Refund Policy

Items need to be unworn, in perfect condition and returned to us within 14 days after receiving. It is upto you to cover the return cost as our delivery option is free. Your refund will be made to your original payment method.

If you wish to exchange, we will post out your exchanged item the day we receive your return. 

Please email/dm us if you wish to return your item.


Please ONLY pay via PayPal for pre ordered items. Orders cannot be cancelled once placed. DO NOT BUY unless you are sure you want the item. Shoes/ slides can only be exchanged for a different size once received.

Items are bought on behalf of you and shipped to you directly. We do not at any point handle these products and have sourced these quality goods for you. We act purely as a personal shopper, not a manufacturer. You are as a customer paying us to locate the quality goods you see on our page to then be shipped to you.


We do not offer Returns/Refunds on pre ordered items.